Funerals and Burials
When someone we love dies, it is important to mark the occasion properly. A church funeral is an opportunity to give thanks to God for the person who has died, for all that was good in their lives and for the way in which our lives have been enriched by them.
It’s also important for us as those who continue to live in this world. For our own health and the importance of the grieving process, it is vital that we have a chance to say goodbye properly.
Everyone is entitled to either a burial service (funeral) or to have their ashes buried in their local parish churchyard by their local parish priest regardless of whether they attended church or not while they were alive.

Where do I start?
When a loved one dies, it can feel overwhelming. Not only are you dealing with your own loss, but there’s the need to organise a funeral service and deal with a mountain of paperwork.
We would encourage you to appoint a Funeral Director as quickly as you are able. They will be able to provide you with important help at this difficult time.